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Droveway Kennels

  • Phone: 01285 811083
  • Castle Eaton, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JX


Welcome to Droveway Kennels

Droveway Kennels is a family-run business located in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside and set in the estate of a 150-acre farm just south of Cirencester, and only 5 minutes drive from the centre of Swindon.

Our boarding kennels can be found at the end of a private road just outside the quaint, Cotswold-stone village of Castle Eaton which itself is only 2½ miles from the A419 Swindon to Cirencester Road.

Staff are on site night and day to ensure the health and safety of your pets in our care. And we confidently believe that once you’ve tried us, your dog will want to come back again, and again!

November 5th – Great for children, but not for dogs!

With Guy Fawkes night falling on a Tuesday, there is the likelihood of fireworks going off in your area, not only on the night, but also on the weekend either side. So if you have a noisy fireworks display nearby, why not consider letting your dog have a peaceful night in the quiet of the Wiltshire countryside, well away from the loud bags and flashing lights.

Call Droveway Kennels on 01285–811083 to book your dog in for an overnight stay, and a peaceful night’s sleep.
